academic integrity
The Assistant Director for Academic Affairs is responsible for overseeing all matters relating to student attendance, grades and classroom behavior, as well as student/faculty relationships. Please visit the Student Handbook for all policies and procedures of the Academic Bridge Program.
Student Handbook
Academic Integrity
The ABP expects all students to meet the highest standards of academic integrity. Students who submit work that is not his/her own, who cheat or who assist others in cheating, are committing acts of academic dishonesty. ABP instructors and staff members are committed to providing assignments and experiences that support each student’s progress in understanding their responsibility concerning academic honesty as they mature through each grade level. These professionals will provide feedback to help students to model acceptable behaviors.
The ABP has developed a set of steps and measures to be taken against plagiarism and cheating according to international standards and the student’s age level. Plagiarism is using someone else’s ideas, words, or other original material without clearly acknowledging the source of that information. Cheating, in its various forms, is academic dishonesty: copying, buying or stealing work, using a source for answers, and/or misleading the instructor by suggesting that the work is completed is the student’s own work – therefore violating the accepted standards of academic integrity.
Instructors shall report any instance of alleged academic dishonesty. Together with the student, they will review the circumstances of the potential infraction and, if an infraction is found to have occurred, they will assign a consequence based upon the seriousness of the infraction.
Students in the ABP are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic experiences, both in and out of the classroom. Students who fail to conduct themselves in the appropriate manner may be subject to removal from the program.
Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, conspiracy, collusion, falsifying academic records, and any other act designed to give an unfair advantage to a student.
1. Cheating
Falsification of Academic Records
At the beginning each academic year, students receive policies explaining the expectations for student behavior including academic expectations. Students make a pledge, both orally and in writing, during orientation to act with academic integrity.
Student Handbook
Academic Integrity
The ABP expects all students to meet the highest standards of academic integrity. Students who submit work that is not his/her own, who cheat or who assist others in cheating, are committing acts of academic dishonesty. ABP instructors and staff members are committed to providing assignments and experiences that support each student’s progress in understanding their responsibility concerning academic honesty as they mature through each grade level. These professionals will provide feedback to help students to model acceptable behaviors.
The ABP has developed a set of steps and measures to be taken against plagiarism and cheating according to international standards and the student’s age level. Plagiarism is using someone else’s ideas, words, or other original material without clearly acknowledging the source of that information. Cheating, in its various forms, is academic dishonesty: copying, buying or stealing work, using a source for answers, and/or misleading the instructor by suggesting that the work is completed is the student’s own work – therefore violating the accepted standards of academic integrity.
Instructors shall report any instance of alleged academic dishonesty. Together with the student, they will review the circumstances of the potential infraction and, if an infraction is found to have occurred, they will assign a consequence based upon the seriousness of the infraction.
Students in the ABP are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic experiences, both in and out of the classroom. Students who fail to conduct themselves in the appropriate manner may be subject to removal from the program.
Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, conspiracy, collusion, falsifying academic records, and any other act designed to give an unfair advantage to a student.
1. Cheating
- Unauthorized acquisition of an exam paper or part of an exam paper
- Copying from another student's exam paper
- Use of unauthorized materials (including textbooks, notes, formula lists, calculators, mobile phones, resources taken from the Internet, etc.) or assistance from others in any academic exercise, including papers, tests, quizzes, examinations, and homework assignments
- Submission of the same work for more than one course without the authorization of the instructors
- Submission of another person’s work
- Unauthorized use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement
- Representing the work of others, including people who are engaged in selling term papers or other academic documents, as one’s own
- Students who aid in someone else’s cheating or plagiarism are equally at fault and will be dealt with appropriately.
- Fabrication includes, but is not limited to, falsification or invention of any data, information, or citation in an academic work.
- Unauthorized collaboration with another person on academic assignments
- Collaboration with another person to commit a violation of ABP policies
Falsification of Academic Records
- Attempted or actual bribing/coercion of a member of the ABP community or any other individual to alter a grade
- Altering, or assisting in altering any official ABP record
- Forging the signature of an ABP official on any academic record
- Submission of false information or making false statements to ABP employees
- Omission or concealment of requested information required for, or related to, any academic record
At the beginning each academic year, students receive policies explaining the expectations for student behavior including academic expectations. Students make a pledge, both orally and in writing, during orientation to act with academic integrity.