How are the books arranged in the library?
All books in the Library are arranged according to their subject, based on the Library of Congress Classification system. Alphabets representing subjects are pasted on top of the racks for easy identification. Call numbers are printed on the spine of books. LB 2343.32 .G68 1994 (Example of a call number) How can I find the book that I want? The library is computerized and uses a Library Management Software called “Destiny”. You can look into this software to find whether or not the library holds a copy of the book that you want. You can access Destiny from the site and click on the link to ABP. What are the materials available in the library? Books for reference, books for borrowing, periodicals & electronic databases Who can borrow books from the ABP library? All students, faculty and staff with a valid ABP identification card are eligible to borrow materials from the library. Members of the Education City can also borrow on Inter-library loan. |
How many books can I borrow from the library?
You can borrow up to 5 books at a time and have them for two weeks. If you want to have them further, the books would be renewed for another two weeks. However, if there are others who want that book you have borrowed, you would be asked to return them. You may also borrow books from other libraries in the Education City through the ABP librarian on inter library loan. Can I use my laptop inside the library? Yes, you can use your laptop or other such PDAs for accessing internet and the library catalogue. However, you will not be able to access the electronic databases in your personal devices because these are accessible only from the ABP computers. Can I use the computers in the library? Computers in the library may be used for educational purpose only. That includes browsing the library catalogue, accessing the electronic databases and other such activities. High speed internet connectivity is available in the computers and Wire Free internet access is also available throughout the LAS building. |
Can I drink my coffee inside the library?
No! Food and beverages are strictly not allowed inside the library, you may however bring your water bottle. How can I access the electronic databases? Visit the library webpage Click on the Databases that you want to access. How can I choose the right database for my research? Use the library research guides to know about the recommended databases for each subject. Go to the link and click on the subject of your choice. You will see the recommended books and other materials for the subject and on the top right corner you will find the link to the recommended databases. |